Monday, October 15, 2012

eLearning Management: Through Lexi’s Eyes

Novak. (2012, April 26). Eyes Wallpaper. 
Retrieved from Pictures Collections:

eLearning management is the act of ensuring that a eLearning program is appealing to all stakeholders. When I worked as a Training Specialist for an organization, I trained undergraduate college students to be telemarketers. For those who don’t know, telemarketing is probably at the top of the list of most boring jobs and the training program was even worse! I was tasked with revamping the training program to improve the rapport building skills of the telemarketers. In order to be successful I had to ensure that I provided management with evidence of progress and ensure that resources were used as efficiently as possible, I had to ensure that my fellow training specialist were comfortable using the new training tools and techniques, and finally I had to ensure that the content was engaging to the audience and improved their skills. All of these factors are essential to managing the development and implementation of any training course whether it is through face to face instruction or through eLearning.

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